Is it done yet?
maleOw, ow, ow~
MoanaYou're doing great.
maleIs it done yet?
MoanaSo close.

Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface
old manI'm curious about that chicken eating the rock.
old manHe seems to lack the basic intelligence required for pretty much everything.
old manShould we maybe just cook him?
MoanaSometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface.

Giving the sky a high-five
MauiYou're measuring the stars,
Mauinot giving the sky a high-five.

The ocean chose you for a reason
MoanaThe ocean chose you for a reason.
MauiIf you start singing, I'm gonna throw up.

You two must get along well
MauiWhen he shows up, keep him distracted.
MauiMake him talk about himself.
MauiHe loves bragging about how great he is.
MoanaYou two must get along well.
MauiNo, not since I ripped off his leg.

I will gladly do so
crabAre you just trying to get me to talk about myself?
crabBecause if you are...
crabI will gladly do so.

Shark head
MauiI'm trying to be sincere for once,
Mauiand it feels like you're distracted.
MoanaNo, no. No way!
MauiReally? Because you're looking at me like I have a...
Mauishark head.

Are you gonna give me a speech?
MoanaAll right, break time's over. Get up.
MauiWhy? Are you gonna give me a speech?

I'm so shiny
crabCan we be real?
crabIf my name was Sebastian and I had a cool Jamaican accent,
crabyou'd totally help me.
crabYou would. You know you would.